早先时候写过一篇关于keystone把token这块从数据库移植到memcached。当时一直比较忙,没有深入的去研究一些问题。今天早上刚好把R ally玩了一下,keystone的数据有点惨,顺便做了一些keystone相关的tunning。后面看样子还是有很多工作要做,OpenStack测试任重道远呀。本文也抛砖引玉,希望有更多的兄弟出来分享一些实际过程的经验。

##测试结果 下午新鲜出炉了keystone相关的测试数据,主要从两个方面对keystone进行了tunning,具体结果可以参考测试数据。

  • memcached token存放
  • apache替换keystone自身的wsgi


###apache wsgi + memcached token

(rally)[root@dev ~]# rally task detailed 3fe1e17c-0b20-4fe1-a8f9-a1664623da5e
/opt/rally/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Util/number.py:57: PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.
  _warn("Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.", PowmInsecureWarning)

Task 3fe1e17c-0b20-4fe1-a8f9-a1664623da5e is finished.

test scenario KeystoneBasic.create_delete_user
args position 0
args values:
{u'args': {u'name_length': 10},
 u'runner': {u'concurrency': 10, u'times': 100, u'type': u'constant'}}
| action                   | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
| keystone.create_user     | 0.450     | 1.535     | 16.554    | 2.737         | 3.630         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| keystone.delete_resource | 0.118     | 0.258     | 1.632     | 0.343         | 0.438         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| total                    | 0.634     | 1.793     | 16.671    | 3.004         | 4.104         | 100.0%  | 100   |

* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
	rally task plot2html 3fe1e17c-0b20-4fe1-a8f9-a1664623da5e --out output.html

* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
	rally task results 3fe1e17c-0b20-4fe1-a8f9-a1664623da5e


###default wsgi + memcached token

(rally)[root@dev ~]# rally task detailed a3b96ed1-9ca6-4a73-9493-647077640ca1
/opt/rally/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Util/number.py:57: PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.
  _warn("Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.", PowmInsecureWarning)

Task a3b96ed1-9ca6-4a73-9493-647077640ca1 is finished.

test scenario KeystoneBasic.create_delete_user
args position 0
args values:
{u'args': {u'name_length': 10},
 u'runner': {u'concurrency': 10, u'times': 100, u'type': u'constant'}}
| action                   | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
| keystone.create_user     | 1.789     | 4.670     | 7.861     | 6.588         | 7.194         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| keystone.delete_resource | 0.408     | 1.561     | 4.116     | 2.390         | 2.816         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| total                    | 3.202     | 6.231     | 10.239    | 8.146         | 8.891         | 100.0%  | 100   |

* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
	rally task plot2html a3b96ed1-9ca6-4a73-9493-647077640ca1 --out output.html

* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
	rally task results a3b96ed1-9ca6-4a73-9493-647077640ca1


###default wsgi + sql token

(rally)[root@dev ~]# rally task detailed 496c7b17-08d6-4e32-a9ef-d8b9d4a0f9b5
/opt/rally/lib/python2.6/site-packages/Crypto/Util/number.py:57: PowmInsecureWarning: Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.
  _warn("Not using mpz_powm_sec.  You should rebuild using libgmp >= 5 to avoid timing attack vulnerability.", PowmInsecureWarning)

Task 496c7b17-08d6-4e32-a9ef-d8b9d4a0f9b5 is finished.

test scenario KeystoneBasic.create_delete_user
args position 0
args values:
{u'args': {u'name_length': 10},
 u'runner': {u'concurrency': 10, u'times': 100, u'type': u'constant'}}
| action                   | min (sec) | avg (sec) | max (sec) | 90 percentile | 95 percentile | success | count |
| keystone.create_user     | 2.020     | 5.514     | 9.456     | 7.309         | 7.925         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| keystone.delete_resource | 0.556     | 1.814     | 3.956     | 2.849         | 2.994         | 100.0%  | 100   |
| total                    | 3.977     | 7.329     | 11.938    | 9.321         | 10.110        | 100.0%  | 100   |

* To plot HTML graphics with this data, run:
	rally task plot2html 496c7b17-08d6-4e32-a9ef-d8b9d4a0f9b5 --out output.html

* To get raw JSON output of task results, run:
	rally task results 496c7b17-08d6-4e32-a9ef-d8b9d4a0f9b5


##测试结果分析 从上述的数据简单进行一下分析,可以看到,当采用apache wgsi的方式和keystone默认的wgsi的性能上看,平均创建用户场景的性能提升3倍左右,平均删除用户场景提升6倍的性能,整个场景提升的性能3.5倍。从这组数据来看,采用apache接管keystone wgsi服务毋容置疑的选择。还在用keystone自身wgsi服务的同学们,该鸟枪换炮了。



  • 整个测试在压力不高的情况下进行
  • 当并发数量上去后,创建和删除的数量急剧增加,还需要调整apache的接入性能或者采用nginx
  • 测试场景还比较单一,覆盖率不高
  • 其它可调参数未知
  • memcached存放token是否存在其它未知问题

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